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Saturday, February 4, 2012

PT Freeport Indonesia 3R Initiatives Support Environmental Preservation

One of PT Freeport Indonesia’s (PTFI) commitments is the 3R Program (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) as a way to manage waste resulting from company operations. This commitment aims to preserve the environment and is implemented through various environmental management activities. PTFI Environmental Department supports this program by recycling several waste materials - plastic, wood pallets, drums, and paper - found throughout the PTFI area of operation. These materials are usually sent to the landfill for further waste management processing, however through the current environmental education program for students and the community these waste materials are being recycled into usable items that are either decorative or educational in nature. Seeing the impact of global warming due to human activities, and as part of its care and commitment toward the environment, PTFI Environmental Awareness and Education section stated a recycling program for paper waste that can be reused as paper for certificates and greeting cards; plastic bottles that can be made into decorative dolls; wood pallets that are reused as environmental signboards; and drums that are reused as pots for plants. These waste materials are collected from various locations, such as recycled paper from office areas, used plastic bottles from shopping and residential areas, used wooden pallets from warehouses, and used drums from the Acetylene Plant and Fabrication Shop.
"There are still other types of waste materials around our work area that can be recycled into usable items, and our group is currently finding out various ways and correct procedures for better manage waste materials and reuse them as items that are part of our daily activities," explained PTFI Superintendent – Environmental Awareness and Education Jimmy Rumainum, who also added that one of the more recent recycling activities involved reusing waste paper into 2008 Christmas cards that were distributed to management and environmental education partners in Timika.

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